ARKIsoft 2015 Suite, ARKIElectrica, ARKILider, ARKIMediciones, ARKIModelo, ARKIPlan Pro

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  • Saadedin
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    • Sep 2018 
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    ARKIsoft 2015 Suite

    ARKIEletrica 2015

    ARKILider 2015

    ARKIMediciones 2015

    ARKIModelo 2015

    ARKIPlan 2015

    ARKIPlan 2015-Pro

    ARKITool 2015

    Electric ARKI is a software for project design of building electrical installations. The software has a large library of symbols that can be inserted into the project by various methods: Centered on the environment, distributed in rows and columns, according to NBR 5410, or according to the furniture and blocks of environments. The insert can also be made through a legend of the blocks already used in another project.

    ARKILider es un program that works fully integrated within AutoCAD y del program that allows you to check it exigency energy demand limitacion (DB-HE1), establecida en el Basic Document habitability y Energía del Código Técnico de la Edificación.

    ARKIMediciones es un program which lets it medición of cualquier proyecto from AutoCAD. This le program will quickly thorugh all kinds of dimensiones, cantidades, longitudes, etc. Proyecto de todo el.

    ARKIModelo es el single program del mercado allowing crear una 3D architectural scale model Partiendo de los dibujos 2D creados en AutoCAD. Con this program podrá aprovechar them 2D plans usted haya creado en su CAD program, independing how them haya drawing. ARKIModelo creará una 3D maquette en pocos minutes con sus 2D plans.

    ARKIPlan, for drawing software architecture. This le program allows crear cualquier proyecto architecture desde el AutoCAD program, una rбpida y sencilla form. Si ya know how to use AutoCAD tambiйn know ARKIplan use.

    ARKITool is a set of routines and utilities to assist in routine day-to-day office. Are free routines that facilitate users from beginners to the most advanced users of AutoCAD. ARKITool is free, click here to learn the routines that will make your project is done in much less tempo.Compativel with AutoCAD, GstarCAD, ZWCAD and BricsCAD